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2020/4/5 2:44:35发布211次查看

wang ping:i'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.真抱歉让您久等了。tom:that's ok.what made you so late?没关系,你怎么来这么晚?wang ping:i was tied up with some urgent business.有急事脱不开身。tom:i see.我明白了。
wang ping:you've visited some places of interest in beijing during the last few days,haven't you?您已经参观了北京的许多名胜古迹,对吗?
tom:yes,we've visited many places such as the imperial palace,the temple of heaven and the great wall.well,during my visit to xi'an,i suddenly got an idea that we should build a synthetic fiber works there.it will be a joint venture.是的。参观了许多地方,比如说故宫、天坛和长城。对了,在西安参观时,我突然产生了一个想法:我们应该在那里开办一家合资性质的合成纤维厂。
wang ping:that's a great idea.we'll surely try our best to cooperate with you.we have many favorable conditions to run a joint wenture there.you can get full support from the local government there.那太好了。我们一定尽全力与贵方合作。我们有许多有利条件。贵方可以得到当地政府方面的全力支持。
tom:that sounds really attracting.and what about the details?听起来确实很有吸引力。那么,有哪些细节?
wang ping:if it is convenient for you,we can go and visit the local government for those details.如果你有时间,我们可以去拜访一下当地的政府,了解一下细节。
tom:all right.let's make it 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.好的,就定在明天早上九点钟吧。notes:
向别人表示歉意时,首先要承认自己做错了事,或做出了不礼貌的行为,并且通常要说明原因,表示遗憾。简单的道歉方式是说i'm sorry。但这往往不够,还需要对你所做的错事做出解释之后,做出改正和改进的许诺,表示不会让错误再次发生。如果你真的做错了事,给对方造成伤害或带来不利的影响,这时做无谓的解释,只能欲盖弥彰,效果相反。
please forgive my carelessness.please excuse me.i have to run.i'm really/awfully/terribly sorry.i cannot tell you how sorry i am.please forgive me.i don't mean that.接受道歉that's okey.
don't worry about that.just forget it.it's nothing.
it doesn't matter at all.



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